
About Natalie

Natalie Purcell (B.Nat, I-ACT, Reiki, CNT) brings a compassionate and wholistic approach to all of her naturopathic consultations. She believes in the strong connection between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects and is able to see where an imbalance in either of these may be creating "dis-ease". She aims in stimulating the bodys own innate wisdom and self healing mechanisms in order to bring balance back to mind, body and spirit. Her modalities include nutritional medicine, phytotherapy, counselling, and lifestyle advice. Apart from being a naturopath she is also a reiki practitioner and chi nei tsang therapist using the these healing powers and intention to create wholeness within. She is the founder of Byron Bay detox Retreats Australia. http://www.byronbaydetoxretreats.com.au

About Us

Filomena and Natalie experience spans over decades of practice and dedication in the areas of yoga, health and spirituality. They have worked together for several years bringing together the best of their wholistic knowledge in yogic practice and health to help people realise themselves in their highest potential. Their aims are to provide the love, support and guidance for each individual to renew, regenerate and revitalise body, mind and spirit to a homogenous state of being.

The lovelivingyoga packages are designed such that  each one will bring a different awareness,  an opening up of new perspectives within the self. Enriching the spirit to embrace the life from the centre of our being. 

Transformation takes place within ones personal ideals being realized.  We are here to support you in the  practice of living fully through the foundations of yoga, health, love and connection.

Om Shanti